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National Coconut Day: Support Coconut Farmers with iTi Tropicals

Continue carrying on National Coconut Day throughout the week by supporting coconut farmers with iTi Tropicals and the Coconut Coalition of the Americas (CCA).  National Coconut Day is celebrated annually on June 26th and during the month of June, the CCA hosts the Lighting Up Lives initiative to support coconut farmers.  iTi Tropicals imports coconut cream and coconut water from across the globe and is also a proud member of the CCA, which supports coconut farmers. Continue reading to learn more about coconuts and how you can support the CCA today!

About the Coconut Fruit

The coconut fruit comes from coconut palm trees that are native to southeast Asia but are currently cultivated in all tropical and subtropical regions. Upon reaching maturity the tree stands 65 to 72 feet tall and yields 50 to 80 fruits (coconuts) per palm every year. The coconut tree has been called the tree of life as it offers a source of food, drink, oil, medicine, fiber, timber, thatch, mats, fuel, and domestic utensils to the locals. The coconut fruit is a fibrous drupe that is elongated or spherical in shape and weighs an average of 2 pounds.

 It has an outer thin hard skin (exocarp), followed by a thicker layer of fibrous mesocarp (husk), the hard endocarp (shell), the white endosperm (kernel), and a large cavity filled with a clear liquid (water). The characteristics of the coconut water vary with maturity. A very young coconut (3 to 5 months before the endosperm forms) has tasteless water that is somewhat astringent. Coconut water is best when the maximum balance between sweetness and acidity is reached. This occurs 6 to 7 months of age, when the endosperm begins to form. Mature coconut water is slightly more salty in flavor.

About Coconut Cream

Coconut cream comes from the white endosperm often referred to as the meat of the coconut.  The meat is grated or shredded and then pressed to produce coconut cream.  The end result of pressing the meat is a smooth, thick liquid.  Coconut milk can also be produced from coconut cream by standardizing with water to reduce the overall fat content. See CODEX STAN CXS 240-2003 for more information about coconut cream and coconut milk.

About Coconut Water

Coconut water, the clear liquid in the interior of the coconut, is refreshing and The major advantages of working with coconut water are that it is 100% juice, significantly lower in calories compared to other more expensive juices, and it blends well with all ingredients.

About National Coconut Day and the CCA

iTi Tropicals proudly supports the Coconut Coalition of the Americas (CCA).  The CCA is a voice for all coconut industry stakeholders, including government groups, academia, the healthcare community and the global industry

In June 2021, in honor of National Coconut Day (celebrated annually on June 26th), CCA launched the Lighting Up Lives program to benefit coconut farmers in the Philippines. This exciting program raised enough money to install solar panel lighting in the homes of nearly 400 coconut farmer families. The solar panels provide light for these families to participate in evening activities such as cooking, reading, and the light allows children to study. This is truly a whole family benefit that changes lives.

In 2022, CCA is continuing and expanding the Lighting Up Lives initiative to directly provide assistance to the children of coconut farmers. In-person school is about to start for these children for the first time since the pandemic shut things down. These children need school supplies, protection from the elements, and even essential nutritional support.

Through the Lighting Up Lives program, CCA will support these children to help them achieve success in school by reducing and eliminating these obstacles. The CCA’s objective is to raise at least $12,000 which will allow the organization to help 125 children in 2022. 

If interested in donating, check out the CCA’s website today!